New Energy Weekly – Surprise Coming
We have a surprise coming soon
We will soon have a new uranium special report titled The Great Electrification. It will go deep into the uranium sector. We will outline the case for owning uranium stocks and show five ways to invest in the sector.
There are multiple economic forces pushing this trend right now. The primary driver is energy security.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has driven home the risks of importing fuel from bad actors. This isn’t a new story. OPEC, the group of oil producing-nations, has used energy supplies as leverage for decades. And Russia has used its supply of natural gas as a bargaining tool specifically against Europe for years.
But the invasion of Ukraine has been a pivotal event. And countries around the world are looking for ways to protect their power supplies. We see this as a long-term and investible trend.
The Great Electrification is a subject that we’ll continue to dig into. There is a mass movement toward batteries right now. Think of things like electric cars and boats with their massive batteries inside. But batteries are just storage. You need electricity generation to fill them. And the U.S. is moving toward uranium power to fill them up.
However, we aren’t alone. China leads the world in electric vehicles. In 2022, the EV sales in China equaled 30% of all the vehicles sold in the U.S.
That has implications for base metal consumption. As we move towards more electrification, we’ll need more metals like copper, lithium, cobalt, and nickel.
And that’s another area we will explore with The Great Electrification. I’m looking forward to digging in.
Matt Badiali